In this second installment of our Bee-Bot series we explore ways in which teachers can design creative learning experiences that integrate the Digital Technologies curriculum with English concepts to empower students’ to take ownership of their learning. Continue reading “5 Literacy Bee-Bot Lesson Ideas For The Classroom”
Ideas To Celebrate Book Week
My favourite time of the year is approaching and I am getting really excited…Book Week will be here soon!
Book Week is all about celebrating books as well as authors and illustrators. It’s a fantastic week and great to see young learners getting excited about books! Continue reading “Ideas To Celebrate Book Week”
5 Mathematics Bee-Bot Lesson Ideas For The Classroom
Bee-Bots are a wonderful digital technologies resource to introduce students to coding and computational thinking. The small robot can remember a sequence of up to 40 commands, directing it to move forwards and backwards in 15 cm increments, and to turn 90 degrees left and right.
Continue reading “5 Mathematics Bee-Bot Lesson Ideas For The Classroom”
How Do You Store Your LEGO®?
LEGO® storage is important. Done badly and you will spend your days finding LEGO elements in the strangest places, dealing with frustrated kids telling you for the third time that they can’t find the grey thingumy-jig and dreading the day your admins ask you to update the school’s asset register. Done correctly and your students will quickly find the elements they need, allowing them to stay focused and concentrate on addressing the challenges at hand.
Loose Parts In The Learning Environment
What are loose parts?
Loose parts are basically any loose, tactile materials and found objects that children can move about during play and exploration. They’re versatile, open-ended and can be added to any learning environment for children to adapt and to turn into anything their imagination allows.
What Is A Makerspace?
What is a Makerspace?
A Makerspace can be any space in your school where students are able to come together to design, experiment, invent, craft and create. Makerspaces typically have a STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) focus, but can be tailored to apply to learning across all subject areas. Continue reading “What Is A Makerspace?”
How To Support Students Who Struggle With Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is common in many children, and teachers all over the country deal with it every year. Sonja Walker, Founder of Kids First Children’s Services shares her successful strategies for supporting both children and parents.
Continue reading “How To Support Students Who Struggle With Separation Anxiety”