Setting up your classroom featuring welcome sign and colourful carpet

Getting Organised For The New School Year

Heidi Overbye

When you think about the new school year, how do you feel? Motivated? Excited? Nervous? Anxious? I usually feel a combination of all of the above! On top of all these feelings, it’s easy to feel incredibly overwhelmed during this very busy time of year. I find the easiest way to beat that overwhelmed feeling

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Children reading in classroom

Explicit Instruction – What Does This Mean?

Joy Allcock

I started my career as an occupational therapist. My job was to help people relearn how to do things in their everyday life after experiencing an illness or disability. To do this I had to do two things: firstly, I had to analyse the task to establish exactly what the person needed in order to

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Joy Allcock Catching Up Your Code

Alphabetic Code Knowledge – The Key To Unlocking Written English

Joy Allcock

We are faced with unprecedented challenges in education at the moment. Teachers are juggling face-to-face teaching and distance learning and wondering what they should do to maximise learning opportunities for their students. John Hattie has some wise advice. “We should focus on the things that can have the greatest impact and stop being distracted by

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Remote Learning montage vector image including laptop clock think bubble and textbook

18 Tips And Tricks For Educators New To Remote Teaching

Arduino Education

With much of the world under lockdown, schools closed, and parents and students working and learning from home, educators everywhere are finding alternative ways of teaching their classes remotely. Many schools are set up for some kind of remote learning, but there are an equal number for whom this is a whole new world, especially

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Girl picking fruit preview

Sustainability In The Early Years

Laura Bombara

Young children in many early childhood settings around the world are demonstrating awareness of their impact on the environment and ways to minimise it. A five-year-old in Ireland reportedly explained to an international research group that sustainability means ‘to save the world for later’

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The proudfoot books fanned spread

The Proud Foots Adventure Series: Q&A With Author Lucas Proudfoot

Lucas Proudfoot

Lucas Proudfoot is one of Australia’s most versatile children’s performers, playing guitar, didgeridoo and stomp box to over 120,00 kids each year. He is a multi-platform storyteller, sharing stories through his music, books and live performances. Following the release of his first book, Shaka Shaka Hawaii, from his five-part adventure book series, The Proud Foots,

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Young girl exploring whilst walking over tree roots

Magic And Wonder: Creating A World Where Children Lead

Neville Dwyer

“Drink in the beauty and wonder at the meaning of what you see.” Rachel Carson   I recently watched the film ‘Mary Poppins Returns’, and as the film came to a wonderful and uplifting end, I was struck by a couple of strong elements that weave their way through the film and demonstrate how we

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Girl playing on swing outside facing grass and trees

Fostering Independence

Sonya McIntyre

We often think of independence in young children as an end goal, something to work towards with the finish line being adulthood. What we often don’t consider, however, is that there is no magical point in time where we think, “AHA…we passed the line, independence has been achieved!”

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Resilience spelt out in coloured beads

Building Resilient Kids One Classroom At A Time

Sonja Walker

In its recent review of early intervention resources for children from birth to 12 years, Australia’s National Mental Health Commission found that 83 per cent of experts agreed that ‘increasing resilience among children aged 0–12 could potentially prevent mental health issues during childhood and/or later in life’. As teachers, we know that our students’ well-being

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Wushka logo on white background

Incorporating A Digital Reading Program Into My Primary Classroom

Gary Matthews

Gary is a year 3 teacher who works in a large public school in Sydney which has over 1000 students. He has been teaching for 20 years and has used Wushka successfully with years 3, 4 and 5 over the past two years. Gary currently uses Wushka in a co-teaching learning space with 60 students.

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