Child moving beads around a wired maze

What Does STEM Mean In Early Childhood?

Brea Brand

The term ‘STEM’ is often a grey area for educators and parents alike. What exactly is it? How do I incorporate it into my curriculum planning or home? What resources do I need to help me do this? Well, STEM refers to the integrative exploration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The focus on STEM

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Child with pine cone and shells

Sensory Play For Children….Why Is It Important?

Mel Ishkhanian

Children gain information from the world around them from the moment they are born. They use innate reflexes to respond to external stimuli such as the sucking reflex to feed. As they grow and develop, babies and children continue to process and respond to their environment using their senses. Often we see very young babies

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School playground, children whispering and crying

Positive Ways To Manage Playground Politics

Sonja Walker

As teachers, we play many roles. Educator, counsellor, first aider and, occasionally, referee when children come into conflict with one another.   Playground politics can be tricky. There are always at least two sides to every story and it can be hard to work out what went wrong and how to help children fix it.

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young boy holding up a black board with the sign risk and safety

Increasing Risk Taking In The Classroom

Ashleigh Underwood

No doubt we have all experienced the anticipation; waiting patiently, tapping a red pen, possibly even nervously biting our nails, eager to tick or cross our answers to that test. Whether it’s the weekly trivia quiz or a Year 5 spelling exam, all of us have experienced the desire to find out whether or not

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Mind map of words related to education

Inclusive Education… Making Sure That Parents Are Part Of The Picture

Sonja Walker

Most teachers chose their profession because they love working with children. You might be one of them. You love to inspire young minds, enjoy sharing your passions and perhaps you even quite like the challenge that comes with transforming reluctant learners into confident classroom contributors.

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Anxiety in young kids is common

How To Support Students Who Struggle With Separation Anxiety

Sonja Walker

Separation anxiety is common in many children, and teachers all over the country deal with it every year.  Sonja Walker, Founder of Kids First Children’s Services shares her successful strategies for supporting both children and parents.

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