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Have a crafty Easter with these 6 egg-citing craft activities

Easter craft header image

Break out the bunny onesie, because Easter’s coming! It’s time for hat parades, egg hunts, chocolate bunnies and colourful craft egg-tivities!  

Here are 6 egg-cellent, egg-straordinary and egg-stra special craft activities to help little crafters create gifts, ornaments, cards and other seasonal cuteness. They’re easy, and they produce beautiful Easter treasures! Let’s hop right into it…  



Wooden Weaving Bunny


Wooden Weaving Bunny


You will need:  

Wooden Weaving Bunny 

Pastel Paint 

Pastel Acrylic Yarn 

Plastic Lacing Needles  

Joggle Eyes 

Pastel Pony Beads 

 Clay Kit

Mini Carrots 




Assemble the Wooden Weaving Bunny by slotting the bunny into the stand.  

Apply your desired shades of pastel paint to the bunny and stand, and set aside to dry. Repeat paint application if desired.  

Cut a workable length of yarn roughly 40cm long and thread one end onto a plastic lacing needle. Tie the other end around a section of the bunny with a firm knot at the back. 

Thread the lacing needle with its yarn through the pre-cut holes of the bunny, weaving in and out all over as desired.  

When there’s only a short length of yarn left, remove the plastic threading needle and tie onto the bunny with a firm knot at the back.  

Repeat steps 3 to 5 with as many colours of thread as desired.  

When you’ve reached the last length of thread, begin by tying the end to the bunny and then slot a pastel bead onto the yarn, setting it in place at the front of the bunny while weaving. Continue adding pastel beads as desired and tie off the end of the yarn firmly at the back.  

Mix green and white clay together to form a pastel green and press down onto the stand to cover the surface.  

Use craft glue to adhere joggle eyes, a pom pom tail and a few carrots.  

Done! The perfect Weaving Bunny is ready.  


TOP TIP: Younger age groups can swap the beads for ready-to-use foam or felt shapes with a dab of glue. 




DIY Stencil Cards



You will need:  

Easter Stencils 

Pastel Coloured Cardboard 

Creatistics A4 White Cover Paper 

Pastel Paint 

Creatistics Glue Sticks 

Connector Colour Markers 

Stationery Scissors 

Bio-Glitter – Pack of 12 



Pour a small amount of pastel paint onto a flat surface (painting trays, plates, etc). Use a brush or roller to even out the colour. 

Lay an Easter Stencil over a piece of white cover paper and secure in place with a bit of masking tape.  

Gently dab a sponge into the paint (avoiding large blobs).  

Gently dab the sponge over the stencil, making sure to sponge all the sections of paper through the stencil’s cut-out pattern.  

Carefully remove the masking tape and lift the stencil off the paper. Set the paper aside to dry.  

Fold a piece of pastel cardboard in half (two short lengths together) to make a card.  

When the paint has dried, cut out the stencilled shape and use a glue stick to attach to the card.  

Use coloured makers, Bio-Glitter and joggle eyes as desired to add detail to the cards and set aside to dry.  

Done! The perfect DIY Easter Stencil Card is ready.  


TOP TIP: For early childhood-aged children not yet confident with scissor skills, pop the stencil directly onto the pastel card to paint the pattern. 



Sponge Print Fridge Magnets


Sponge Print Fridge Magnets


You will need:  

Easter Sponges 

Pastel Cardboard

Wooden Pegs 

Self-Adhesive Magnetic Sheets 

Creatistics Strong Craft Glue 

Joggle Eyes 



Pour a small amount of pastel paint onto a flat surface (painting trays, plates, messy mats, etc) and use a brush or roller to spread the colour to an even layer. 

Gently press an Easter Sponge into the paint, then lift out of the paint and gently press down onto the cardboard. Lift off once more, leaving the painted print on the cardboard. Repeat as desired with each shape to fill the paper. Set aside to dry.  

Use the leftover paint or POSCA markers to add detail over the dried paint (an orange beak, patterns on the eggs, etc) and set aside to dry.  

Feed the dried painting through a laminator and set aside to cool down.  

Carefully cut around the shapes.  

Use strong craft glue to attach a wooden peg to the back of the laminated shape and joggle eyes onto the chick & bunny and set aside to dry.  

Peel and stick a self-adhesive magnet to the back of the peg.  

Done! The perfect Easter magnet is ready.  


TOP TIP: Easter sponges are wonderfully versatile! Sponge the shapes onto cards, wrapping paper and Easter Hats. Or snip the prints out and paste them onto pop sticks for adorable storytelling props! 



Wooden Diorama Frame 


Wooden Diorama Bunny


You will need:  

Wooden Easter Diorama Frame  

Pastel Paint 

Pastel Acrylic Yarn 

Pastel Pom Poms 

Sequin Flowers 

Adhesive Rhinestones 

Green Crinkle Paper Shred 

Joggle Eyes 

Mini Carrots 

Creatistics Strong Craft Glue 



Yarn Chick, Bunny & Egg Ornaments 


Yarn Chick and Bunny

You will need:  

Creatistics Pastel Paint 

Pastel Acrylic Yarn 

Wooden Easter Ornaments 

Joggle Eyes 

Creatistics Strong Craft Glue 

Matt Paper Squares 

Coloured Tissue Squares 

Pastel Pom Poms 

Natural Beading Cord 

Paper Magiclay  



Cover the wooden ornament in a layer of pastel paint and set aside to dry. Repeat paint application as desired. 

For the Bunny and Chick, cut a workable length of yarn, wrap it around the wooden ornament, and tie it with a strong knot.  

Wrap the yarn around the ornament until it looks full of colour (if needed, add another length of yarn). Tie the yarn off securely at the back.  

For the Bunny – snip three lengths of beading cord 10cm in length, tie a knot in the middle to make whiskers, and press a small amount of pink Magiclay around the middle to hide the knot and make a nose. Attach in place with craft glue, along with two joggle eyes. Set aside to dry.  

For the Chick – scrunch two tissue squares from the centre to make the wings. Fold an orange paper square in half and roughly draw a foot. Snip the foot out (you should now have two) and snip a small triangle shape along the remaining paper’s fold to make a little beak. Attach the feet, wings, beak and two joggle eyes in place with craft glue. Set aside to dry.  

For the Egg – use the craft glue nozzle to ‘draw’ lines and squiggles on the surface, carefully placing short lengths of yarn over the glue. Finish off with a few pom poms and set aside to dry.  

For each decoration, snip a short length of beading cord, thread it through the pre-cut hole and tie it into a loop to hang. 

Done! The perfect Easter Yarn Ornament is ready.  


TOP TIP: Taping the yarn at the back of the ornament with masking tape periodically will provide support for children with emerging fine motor skills. 



Roller Print & Yarn Bonnet


Easter Bonnet


You will need:  

Easter Rollers 

Cardboard Easter Hat 

Creatistics Pastel Paint 

Pastel Pom Poms 

Pastel Acrylic Yarn 

Bio-Glitter – Pack of 12 

Tacky Glue 

Creatistics Strong Craft Glue 

Painting Tray 



Pop-out each piece from the large sheet of card. 

Use brushes or sponges to apply a thin layer of pastel paint to the pieces and set aside to dry.  

Pour a contrasting-coloured paint onto a messy mat or painting tray and use a brush or roller to smooth the paint to an even layer. Only a little paint is needed to make smooth prints.  

Gently roll the Easter Rollers in the paint, ensuring an even layer of paint over each raised shape.  

Roll the paint-loaded Easter Roller over the cardboard pieces, leaving behind its colourful print. Repeat as desired and set aside to dry. 

Use the strong craft glue nozzle to ‘draw’ wavy lines over the crown and brim pieces, snip lengths of pastel yarn and gently press into place using the glue lines as a guide. Use the craft glue to ‘draw’ lines and shapes to shake Bio-Glitter onto, and small blobs of tacky glue to adhere the pom poms. Set aside to dry. 

To assemble, sticky tape the scalloped crown piece together by the tabs, making sure it will fit the brim.  

Sticky tape the tabs on the bottom of the crown piece to the underside of the brim. 

If desired, sticky tape the tabs on the top circle to the crown piece (making a shelf to hold extra decorations). Set aside to dry. 

Done! The perfect Easter Hat is ready.  


TOP TIP: There’s no need for precise designs! The free-form style of this Easter Hat craft is wonderfully open-ended. 



We hope you love getting crafty this Easter and creating these 6 fun activities. If you’d like to download the step-by-step activity pack pdf, click here. Happy crafting, and please share your crafty Easter creations with us @modernteaching. 



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Your most wished for resources

Most wished for leader board

What you love & want & need in your life right now 

We recently ran a competition to win your MTA Wishlist and were overwhelmed with wonderful Wishlists curated by enthusiastic educators everywhere. What were the favourite wished for resources?  Let’s pull back the Wishlist curtain and take a peek! 


Here are the headlines! 

Well colour me glittery pink! The most wished for brand was Creatistics. There were 9,334 Creatistics products in Wishlists. Creatistics is MTA’s brand that offers incredible value art & craft resource essentials that are high quality, safe and developed for classroom use. They go the distance, so it makes sense that they are Wishlist favourites. 

Our most extravagant Wishlist item that appeared three times was the awesome Quad Play Pod. It’s part of a revolutionary playground system that bridges the gap between permanent playgrounds and moveable play equipment… we love that you’re wishing big. 

Lots of you were absolutely loving the Reading Tree & Seat. We don’t blame you. It’s such a showstopper. It’s a centrepiece that provides an amazing space for reading, quiet time and reflection. 

Wooden resources and natural tones were popular additions to Wishlists – which is absolutely on trend for what’s happening, particularly in early years.  

On the other hand, colour is never out of style and we saw bold colours make a splash. 

Screenfree STEM kits were also popular, particularly in early years. We love screenfree coding as an entry into the world of robotics.  

Books and more books were the order of the day too. 


Why do you love Creatistics Cover Paper so much? (Um, no need to answer, we know!!) 

Art & craft resources

The top 15 products in Wishlists were Art & Craft resources. These were the favourites you loved.

  1. Creatistics Cover Paper Assorted A4 – Pack of 500
  2. Assorted Cellophane 75 cm x 1 m – Pack of 25
  3. Creatistics PVA Washable School Glue – 5 L
  4. Creatistics Poster Paint 2 L – Set of 10
  5. Creatistics Assorted Pipe Cleaners Class Pack 30 cm- Pack of 1000
  6. Creatistics Cover Paper Assorted A3 – Pack of 500
  7. Creatistics Chunky Colouring Markers – Pack of 240
  8. Creatistics Long Feathers – Pack of 140
  9. Creatistics Crepe Paper Assorted – Pack of 12
  10. Creatistics Short Feathers – Pack of 50  
  11. Dough Scissors – Pack of 10
  12. Pom Poms Assorted Colours & Sizes – Pack of 300
  13. Office Copy Paper A4 Pastels – Pack of 500
  14. Creatistics Superstik Glue Stick 35G – Pack of 36
  15. Creatistics Dot Art Markers – Pack of 6


Wishing big time for Cultural resources 

Cultural Resources

Cultural resources were also extremely popular Wishlist items. With a strong focus on embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into both the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum, resources to build a cultural corner or integrate through daily lessons are more popular than ever. These were your favourites! 

  1. Aboriginal Animals Dress Up Capes
  2. Aboriginal Round Cushions –Set of 4
  3. Aboriginal Board Books for Early Years Pack
  4. Aboriginal Storytelling Book Pack
  5. Dreamtime Country Sacred Lands Indoor Floor Mat
  6. Aboriginal Dress Up Capes – Set of 4
  7. Australian Indigenous Outdoor Mats – Set of 3
  8. Bayadherra Junior Long Sleeved Smock – Pack of 10
  9. FairTrade – Muyan-Bara Aboriginal Family -10 Pieces
  10.  Indigenous Animals Pillows – Set of 6 


Everyone’s wishing for Sensory resources… 

sensory hex tray

Okay, not literally everyone. But many educators are loving the depth of sensory resources on offer at MTA. And educators are thinking creatively about how to use these resources which we love! You wishlisted MTA hex trays and wishlisted fantastic resources that you could create sensory tray play activities with! 

  1. MTA Spaces – Hex Tray & Stand – Charcoal
  2. MTA Spaces – Hex Tray & Stand – Sand
  3. MTA Spaces – Hex Tray, Stand & Play Mats – Sand
  4. MTA Spaces – Hex Tray Stand & Mats – Charcoal
  5. Creatistics Magic Sand Blue – 2 kg
  6. Creatistics Magic Sand Natural – 2 kg
  7. Creatistics Pom Poms 2 cm – Pack of 100
  8. Creatistics Long Feathers – Pack of 140
  9. Creatistics Short Feathers – Pack of 50




Sensory exploration keeps on trending! 

sensory resources

Outside of sensory tray play, other sensory resources for learning environments were also on Wishlists, including our popular large sensory liquid floor tiles. 

  1. Sensory Liquid Floor Tiles – Set of 6
  2. Lakeshore Giant Sight and Sound Tubes – 40 cm
  3. Magic Scarves – Pack of 12
  4. Explore & Discover Light Panel – A2
  5. Ooze Tubes – Set of 4
  6. Lakeshore Giant Sight and Sound Tubes – 40 cm
  7. Painted Bamboo Rainstick Kit
  8. Sensory Balls Mega Pack – Set of 9



Educators are wishing for outdoor & active resources too 

outdoor & active

We think you might have been dreaming of outdoor play, construction and block play with your little learners as there was a big emphasis on play resources that took you outside. Fresh air, sunshine, an outdoor play area… and you’re sorted with these Wishlist favourites. 

  1. Heavy Duty Sand Play Set 47 Pieces
  2. Natural Tree Blocks – 106 Pieces
  3. MTA Spaces – Outdoor Mat Kit – Set of 4
  4. Teeter Popper – Blue
  5. Viking Toys Mini Chubbies Bucket Construction 20 Pieces
  6. XL Polydron Geo Dome Set of 62
  7. Outdoor Hollow Block Set 27 Pieces
  8. NYBY Big Sand Set 100 Pieces
  9. Heavy Duty Buckets Scoops & Sieves Set of 30


Were these popular resources on your Wishlists?  

Keen to make a Wishlist? This handy tool lets you create resource Wishlists for now, for the future or to keep your buy-again favourites in one place.  

Head to our Wishlist Hub to see curated Wishlists we’ve already created that you can shop easily too.  

Happy wishing! 



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6 hands-on sensory tray activities you’ll LOVE

Hex Tray Blog Header

Bring on the tray play! Versatile, engaging hex trays give children endless learning possibilities. Also known as a tuff tray or sensory table, the humble hex tray is an open-ended, moulded plastic tray typically in a natural sand colour with a hexagonal shape inspired by the shape of honeycomb (you can also get a charcoal hex tray). 



Why tuff trays are a crowd favourite 


These trays are great for both indoor and outdoor use. (Our ‘hex tray’ features UV-stable plastic which is fade resistant). Use it on a tabletop, on the floor or with a metal stand. Add playmats (textures, roadway, rainbow, chalkboard) or bring your own imagination to the table!!! Self-contained hex trays make the perfect platform for messy play, small world play, sensory exploration and nature play. We’re looking at sensory exploration in this blog as it’s such an important part of early childhood development, allowing children to explore using their senses of touch, sight, smell, hearing and sometimes taste! Hex trays are ideal for creating sensory experiences due to their shallow compartments and ability to contain various materials including water (keep a towel or two handy)! Let’s dive into our sensory activities. 


Explore the deep blue sea 


Transform your tray into a mini underwater world. Some important days in the calendar give you a great reason to make a splash! World Reef Awareness Day on 1st of June is focused on protecting the world’s coral reefs. Then World Oceans Day will be celebrated on 7th of June this year to raise awareness about the critical role our oceans play in sustaining life on Earth. These days give you a wonderful opportunity to teach about our world’s shared oceans and our personal connections to the sea. Fill compartments with blue-tinted water, add sea creatures, shells and stones. Encourage children to explore marine life, discuss ocean habitats and learn about sea creatures’ characteristics. Introduce concepts of buoyancy, sink and float, and understanding of the marine ecosystem. 


Activity 1: Sensory ocean tray 

In this messy play experience, we combine small world wonder with elements of STEM magic. 


Ocean Hex tray


You’ll need:   

Hex Tray & Stand (SUN201K)  

Blue Craft Dye (EC102)    

Ocean Counters (LER0799)   

Watercolour Sponges (NAR089)   

Plastic Slip Syringe (SER1016003)   

Grassy Stones (TH9130)   

Transparent Shells (GUW8081)   

Zip lock bags (sandwich size)   

Muffin pan or freezer-safe bowls   

Shaving Foam  

Bicarbonate of soda  



Let’s make it!   

  •  Add a few ocean counters to a zip lock bag and fill with water. Secure tightly and lay flat in the freezer until frozen solid. Repeat for desired quantity.
  • Add ocean counters to a muffin pan (or bowl) and fill each section with water. Carefully place in a freezer until frozen.
  • Shake 2 x 1kg boxes of bicarbonate of soda into the hex tray.
  • Time to set the scene! Arrange the transparent shells, remaining ocean counters and grassy stones in the hex tray.
  • Remove the muffin pan from the freezer and let sit for several minutes; the ice shapes should slip out easily now, and to the hex tray scene.
  • Remove the frozen sandwich bags from the freezer, carefully remove the bag from the ice, discard the bag safely and add the ice bricks to the hex tray scene.
  • Add a splash of blue craft dye to a jug of water and gently pour into the hex tray over the bicarbonate of soda.
  • Add desired amount of shaving foam into the hex tray.
  • Add a few cups of vinegar (we used double strength) into a bowl accessible for children to fill syringes with and squirt into the water. Done! You’re ready to explore.


TOP TIP – If you’re enjoying this messy play experience indoors, keep a towel nearby for quick clean ups as the morning/afternoon progresses.  



Celebrate World Environment Day 


This event on the 5th of June has become the largest global platform for environmental outreach. Join the movement! Use your hex tray to explore climate, weather patterns, global warming, animal habitats, marine pollution, overpopulation, sustainable development, wildlife and plant life. Create a miniature landscape representing different climates, from deserts to rainforests. Use natural materials like sand, moss and small plants to illustrate ecosystems. Discuss the importance of preserving the environment and the role each child can play in conservation efforts. 


Activity 2: Wonderful world sensory tray 

Create a small world sensory tray with creatures great and small roaming the earth! 


  World Environment day Hex tray


You’ll need:   

 Hex Tray & stand (SUN201K)  

 All Weather Magnifying Glasses (GC4600)  

 Blue Magic Sand (CS1501)  

 Green Magic Sand (CS1502)  

 Natural Magic Sand (CS1500)  



 Animal & insect figurines   

 Pebbles (PNP055)  

 Pine leaves (SH9512)  

 Wooden farm fence (LB0021)  



Let’s make it!  

  •  To make the ‘soil’, add ½ cup of cocoa to the natural-coloured magic sand and give it a good mix through.  
  • Add all the different coloured sand and straw to the hex tray (we’ve sectioned the tray into wild animals, domesticated animals, ocean animals and insects, with each different coloured surface representing the land, sea, grass, and farm.  
  • Create a happy habitat by adding rocks and plants etc. to form a small world scene. Get creative! You might have some shells or flowers etc. on hand to add different colours, textures, and aromas.  
  • Carefully place the animals into their habitats along with magnifying glasses and you’re ready to play!  



Sensory Stories: Use your tray table as a storytelling prop for sensory narratives. Fill compartments with materials representing elements of a story about our world, such as cotton balls for clouds, blue water beads for the sea and small figurines for characters or animals. Encourage children to engage in imaginative play as they manipulate the sensory elements to retell the story or create their own narratives. 



Sensory nature play  


Using found objects in nature for sensory exploration is awesome, particularly in autumn and winter! Fill compartments with vibrant leaves of various shapes and colours. Encourage children to touch, feel and sort leaves based on texture, size and colour. Stimulate senses and promote descriptive language as children engage in tactile experiences with nature’s seasonal beauty. Explore the textures, scents and colours of each of nature’s treasures. 


Activity 3: Nature sensory tray 

Bold colours in autumn and winter offer an enticing invitation for children to explore. 


Nature Hex Tray


You’ll need:  

Hex Tray & stand (SUN201K) 

5kg bag of white rice 

Red vegetable dye (AFS126) 

Yellow vegetable dye (AFS140) 

Baking trays  

Baking paper 

Large zip lock bags 

Branch cut circles (TH0030) 

Pine Cones (TH0020) 

Natural leaves (TH0040) 

Insect counters (TEB6013) 

Masking Tape (DP0504) 

All-Weather Jumbo Tweezers (GC4604) 

All-Weather Magnifying Glasses (GC4600) 

Eco paper cups (JM850) 


Let’s make it!  

  • Add coloured rice to the bottom of the hex tray and decorate with the natural resources, leaves and insect counters.  
  • Adhere lengths of masking tape over the top of the tray, creating a maze for children to work through.  
  • Place a pair of tweezers, magnifying glass and paper cup at each station for children to search and collect objects. Done! You’re ready to explore.  


How to colour rice:  

  • Add 4 cups of uncooked white rice to a large zip lock bag.  
  • Mix desired amount of vegetable dye powder with 1 tablespoon of vinegar and dump into the bag.  
  • Seal the bag well, then shake it around until the rice is coated in colour.  
  • Pour the coloured rice onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and spread out evenly. 
  • Leave to dry thoroughly for a day or so depending on the weather. To speed up drying time stir the rice around on the tray a few times to ensure air can access each grain as it dries, or place in the sun etc.  


TOP TIP – If children are helping to shake the bag of coloured rice, it can be a good idea to double bag (place the sealed zip lock bag of rice into another zip lock bag and seal again). 



Bring early literacy to life 


Transform your hex tray into a literacy wonderland to support phonics and early reading skills. Fill compartments with letter tiles, phonics cards or literacy manipulatives. Engage children in hands-on activities to match letters, form simple words and explore letter-sound relationships. Encourage storytelling and imaginative play to enhance language development and literacy comprehension. 


Activity 4: Alphabet fishing sensory tray 

With this tactile activity, children will be reeling in their alphabet catch in no time. 


Alphabet Hex tray


You’ll need:  

Hex Tray & Stand (SUN201K)  

Cotton Sensory Sand 6kg (EC234-6) 

Magnetic Letters (QT5452) 

Fishing Rods (ZZ001S) 


Let’s make it!  

  • Tip the cotton sensory sand into the hex tray and spread evenly. 
  • Evenly spread desired number of magnetic letters over the sand.  
  • Place the fishing rods around the outside of the hex tray, inviting children to fish a letter. Done! You’re ready to explore.  


TOP TIP – Younger children developing their hand eye coordination might enjoy working with magnetic wands to fish out the magnetic objects.  



Colour sorting & sensory exploration  

Use your tuff tray to introduce the concept of colour recognition and sorting. Fill compartments with an array of colourful objects such as buttons, beads or pom-poms. Prompt children to sort objects by colour, count each group and discuss colour shades and variations. Foster cognitive development and early mathematical concepts through hands-on colour exploration activities. 


Activity 5: Colour sorting sensory tray  

This tray activity combines tactile exploration with classification skills and fine motor dexterity. 


Colour sorting Hex tray


You’ll need: 

Hex Tray & Stand (SUN201K) 

Sorting Bowls & Tweezers Set (TEB6332) 

Sea Life Counters (TEB6012) 

 Vegetable Dye 

Assorted Pom Poms (SH1374)  

Popping corn 


Baking tray 

Baking paper  



Measuring cups  

Measuring spoons 


Let’s make it!  

  • Add the coloured corn, pom poms and sea life counters to the hex tray.  
  • Place the matching Sorting Bowls & Tweezers around the 6 sides of the hex tray as ‘stations’ to invite children to collect the corresponding-coloured items. Done! You’re ready to explore. 


TOP TIP – The vinegar coats the colouring onto the corn evenly and acts as a preservative to stop the corn from spoiling. It’ll last for ages! When you do finally finish, why not try sprouting the kernels in the veggie garden!  


How to colour corn:  

  • Pour a 400g bag of popping corn into a large jar/jug (old coffee jars work well).
  • Add 1 cup of water and 1 cup of vinegar (or 1/2 cup of double strength vinegar). Add a little more water if needed to completely cover the corn in liquid. 
  • Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable dye/food colouring to the jar and give it a good stir.  
  • Leave to soak for 24 hours, pour into a strainer, and give a good rinse under the tap (the coloured water can be used for painting if desired).  
  • Pour the corn onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and leave in a warm sunny spot to dry thoroughly (stir the corn around to ensure all surfaces are dry) and then store in an airtight container/zip lock bag until ready to use.  



Texture Play: Fill compartments with a variety of textured materials such as colourful sand, rice, pasta, cotton balls or kinetic sand. Encourage children to explore the textures using their hands or even their feet for a more immersive experience. Discuss the differences between smooth, rough, soft and hard textures, fostering descriptive language and tactile awareness. 

Calming activities: Create calming sensory experiences using soothing materials like lavender-scented rice, soft fabric scraps or water with a few drops of essential oil. Encourage children to engage in calming activities such as running their fingers through the rice or feeling the texture of the fabric, promoting relaxation and emotional regulation. 



Exploring pre-writing & First Nations symbols  


Activities that explore cultural perspectives are fantastic to incorporate into your tray time. Fill compartments with symbolic items like animal figurines, traditional artwork or Indigenous symbols. Encourage children to explore the significance of each symbol, engage in storytelling inspired by Indigenous culture and practise pre-writing skills by tracing symbolic patterns. Develop fine motor skills and cultural appreciation in an inclusive learning environment. 


Activity 6: First Nations symbols sensory tray 

This activity combines fine motor skills development with the exploration of literacy using Aboriginal symbols cards. 


First Nations Hex tray


You’ll need:  

Hex Tray & Stand (SUN201K) 

Red, Yellow and Black sand (EC706, EC708, EC701) 

Easi Grip Brushes (CS2566) 

Aboriginal Symbols Cards (RICA1302)


Let’s make it!  

  • Empty the 3 containers of coloured sand into your sensory tray and gently smooth out.  
  • Place an Aboriginal Symbols Card and Easi Grip Brush at each ‘station’ for children to recreate.  
  • Use the Easi Grip brushes (or fingers for tactile memory) to recreate the symbols.  
  • Enrich the experience using language. Talk about the symbols; what they look like (is the symbol created with wavy lines, circles, dots, curves etc.), what does each symbol represent (meeting place, water, animals etc.) Can you tell a story using the symbols? What symbols can you find in the learning environment? Done! You’re ready to explore. 


TOP TIP – Younger children will benefit from the chunky barrel of the Easi Grip Brushes while older students will find a thinner brush more comfortable to handle. 



And so over to you for tuff tray time! We’re so excited to know what activities you use your tray for to encourage sensory exploration, messy play and small world play in your centre. What’s your favourite activity? Which will you be trying first? 

We’ve pulled together all your MTA hex tray sensory and small world play essentials in this Wishlist. 



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How to build the ultimate indoor play space in your kitchen corner

Pretend play blog header

Kids in the kitchen! 🌽🍳 Bringing play-based learning to life 


Children learn best through play. It’s a vital part of early childhood that encourages children to learn, develop and grow whilst having fun. In The Early Years Learning Framework, play-based learning is a central focus, and emphasises the intentional role of educators in enriching learning. (EYLF practice: Play-based learning and intentionality) 


Bringing a kitchen corner to life in your centre creates a stage for pretend play, role play and open-ended play that encourages imagination, language development, social interactions, sharing, as well as a sense of belonging and identity. A wonderful pretend play space allows educators to achieve EYLF outcomes such as: ‘Children are confident and involved learners; Children are connected with and contribute to their world’. So what are we waiting for? Time to whip up the ultimate indoor kitchen play space. 🍳 


Hot trends to look for in kitchen sets 


Trend: the real deal! 

They might be ‘pretend’, but the trend is for real-look play kitchens. This comes through in details such as soft close hinges, real tapware and contemporary materials. Love!! 


Trend: open furnishings 

Another trend is for open furnishings, allowing easy access to shelves and cooking play essentials! We love this, as it creates a visual feast that inspires play easily. 


Trend: modular 

Versatility is king with these new play spaces. Modular elements you can build and shape how you like to accommodate your space and move around to keep things fresh! 


Our top dream (play) kitchens… 


Coastal & cool  

This new Norwegia Spaces Coastal Kitchen Island & Bench Set has breezy fresh vibes for days. It leans into the trends with real taps and versatile kit elements (that also complement the Natural Spaces and other Norwegia Spaces ranges). Shop the set or the Bench and Island separately. 


8953_MulticulturalFood Set


Urban & awesome  

Urban chic, early childhood-style! This new Norwegia Spaces Urban Kitchen Island & Bench Set embraces the industrial look with its modern materials, black & white look and clean lines. Shop the set or the Bench and Island separately. 



Flexible & fun 


The Natural Spaces Open Play Kitchen Set of 4 is so versatile. We adore the open furnishings and modular aspect of this set that has a beautiful natural aesthetic! The set includes a kitchen bench, stove, sink and cupboard. Move them around however you like to inspire play! 


8953_NS Open PlayKitchen



Take a peek at the whole range: Kitchen & Home Corner Furniture 


Let’s get cooking! 

Now it’s time to stock up the cupboards and cook up some fun learning! We’ve handpicked 10 colourful food, health and nutrition sets to invite role play, conversation, open-ended play and group activities.  



1: Multicultural on the menu 


8953_MulticulturalFood Set 


Teach little ones respect for diversity and cultural responsiveness through role play & discussion with the Multicultural Food Set. It includes a Chinese Food Set, Japanese Food Set and Italian Food Set. Each set features food, plates, condiments and a menu. Each play food set is also available separately. 



2: Tuck into bush tucker 


Bush Tucker Resources


Play snap, read, prepare a pretend meal and chat about Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander perspectives with this new Bush Food Kit. It’s focused on learning about traditional Aboriginal bush food in a tangible and fun way, encouraging role play while opening conversations about First Nations People and their culture. 



3: Teach about food allergies 


Food allergies resource


Help the little ones in your care learn about Food Allergies & Intolerances with this engaging card game. There are eight cards with food intolerances, 45 food cards, ambulance cards and more.  



4: Food bingo! 


Food bingo resource


For early literacy skills, association skills and critical thinking, you’ll love having a pack of Bingo (with 72 food items) in your kitchen corner. Each tile has an image on one side and a name on the other, so that children can practise learning associations with visual and verbal cues. There are flexible play options to suit children of various ages and abilities – match picture to picture; or word to picture. 



5: Match or sort the fruit & veggies 


Matching veggie resource


This new Fruit & Vegetable Match set lets little ones play and learn at the same time. There are 28 colour-printed wooden tiles, perfectly sized for small hands. Match the pairs, play a memory game or use the tiles to practise sorting food items: fruit vs veg; various colours; sweet vs sour vs savoury; seeds vs no seeds… it’s up to you! 



6: Learn about the food groups 


8953_The Food Group Book Pack


Potatoes, eggs or sour grapes?! Learn about food groups in a fun way with The Food Group Book Pack. This bestselling picture book series serves up a plate full of laughs, adventures and lessons with empowering and charming stories. There are seven books… from The Couch Potato to The Smart Cookie to The Big Cheese! 



7: What’s for breakfast? 



Get puzzling and prepare a yummy meal with My Breakfast Tray. This new tray from Andreu Toys will be so popular in your kitchen corner for pretend play. (Andreu Toys are committed to inclusive education, with a clear intention of promoting diversity). The wooden tray is served up with all its accessories, including toast, fried egg and more. Did someone say yum? 



8: Chop! Chop! Let’s hone those fine motor skills! 


Food cutting resource


With the Joseph Joseph Chopping Board Set, chop away with this licensed replica of Joseph Joseph’s colourful Chop2Pot folding chopping board. This fun set includes a safe-to-use Elevate knife and four pieces of ‘choppable’ food. It uses ChopPop™️ play food technology for safe play with no hook & loop fastenings or magnets in sight! 



9: Cake & coffee… let’s brew this!


Tea & coffee resource


With a cake mixer, tea set and coffee set in Melissa & Doug’s Wooden Appliances Sets, you can mix it up or cook up some mud pies! Melissa & Doug’s hand-crafted designs use durable wood and other specialist materials that are popular with educators and children alike. 



10: Wrap your food & nutrition learning up in a bow  


Nutrition Curriculum Kit


Get the cupboards ready! Our Nutrition Curriculum Kit will help you stock up on all the pretend play food you could need! You can also teach students about healthy eating in a hands-on way. There’s a huge set of play food that includes meat, breads, poultry, dairy, sweets and condiments. There’s a 36-piece container of fruits and vegetables, plus a wooden play food crate featuring the five food groups. The kit also includes a floor mat showing the healthy eating plate, with food cards and teacher notes. It’s such a valuable resource to teach about nutrition! 


Head here to see even more Play Foods & Home Corner ideas, 


Key food, nutrition & health dates for your calendar 

We know your little learners will use their play kitchen every day, but these annual days are a perfect time to delve deeper into the world of kitchens, health, nutrition and food! 

🥕 National Eat Your Veggies Day – 17 June  

🍓 National Nutrition Week – 16-23 October 

🥑 International Chef’s Day – 20 October 

🍇 More fun food days this year 



We can’t wait to hear how you create your play kitchen corner. Hungry to get started? We’ve pulled together everything here in this Wishlist.  


For a consultation or more inspo, check out the Brilliant Learning Spaces we support in early childhood. Oh, and download the inspirational Booklet for more ideas! 


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Admin powers activate: how to achieve boss-level office organisation in 2025 

Being a school admin means being MANY things. Every day, you call, coordinate, communicate, order, organise, file, budget, laminate, print and distribute (that’s for starters). We see you, admins! You need to be ORGANISED! We’ve pulled together some new and popular resources to help you achieve boss-level organisation this year. Time to activate your admin superpowers. 


Storage sorted in style


Let’s start with refreshing your storage. There’s a new range we LOVE that lets you modernise your tubs, trays, baskets and caddies. It’s our Colours of Australia collection and it’s gorgeous! It’s been created in a natural, earthy colour palette with the five colours (Mallee, Coral, Mountain Gum, Snow Gum and Ocean) representing the beauty of this country. The best news: all the pieces are stackable, durable, lightweight and versatile. Functional beauty, all yours, in sets of five! We think you’ll love these too. 


Storage caddies


Connector Tubs keep stationery items easily accessible, making them an ideal addition to your office environment. Pens, scissors, pencils, glue… these tubs keep everything in order. 

Plastic Book and Storage Tubs will be your office filing BFFs. What you’ll love about these sturdy Storage Tubs is their high back, perfect for storing taller books, catalogues and folders. 

Versatile is what these Small Plastic Caddies are about. They have so many uses around the office and adjoining areas. As well as storing office equipment and stationery, they can be a great holder for little student favourites (like fidget toys – see below!). 

Multifunctional storage Literacy Tubs will be endlessly useful – on your desk, in the cupboards, on the shelves – wherever you need to file and find office paperwork at your fingertips. 

Every educational office needs a Tote Tray or ten! These space-savers can house all your essentials and supplies. (You just know that educators will want this new range in their rooms too for all their organisational needs). 



WHY NOT: Continue the look in your office decor 

AUS rug

Why not extend your earthy office theming with a new Colours of Aus Rug? Choose squares or circles… whatever you prefer! These new additions to our range will look stunning in any office, reception area or foyer. They’re hard-wearing and durable too, made from high-quality cut pile polyester blend with a non-slip latex backing. Each one measures 4 x 3 m making a welcoming and calming sight in your space (and very matchy with the new storage tubs which is lovely!). 




Stock up your ‘Slick’ Bay…


As an office admin, we know it’s part of your day to help little people who don’t feel their best or sometimes have medical emergencies. So, let’s make sure you have the slickest, most organised sick bay around. 


Easy Fill First Aid Kit  

First aid kit

This metal wall-mounted cabinet is your go-to First Aid Kit. It comes fully stocked with all the essentials and can be easily refilled by using the colour-coded visualiser located inside the cabinet. You’ll love this visualiser! It lets you easily see what’s out of stock without having to perform a stocktake as the contents are easily seen, colour-coded and the use by dates are visible.  



Grab and Run First Aid Kit Soft Pack 

soft first aid kit 

This is your on-the-go grab and run First Aid Kit. It’s also an ‘Easy Fill’ kit, simply refilled by using the colour-coded visualiser inside the pack. 




Allergy Buddy Rapid Access Medical Panel & Pouches 


Allergy Buddy Rapid Access Medical Panel & Pouches

For any sick bay, you’ll want the Allergy Buddy Rapid Access Medical Panel, designed to display, store and rapidly access vital medicines and emergency information (such as medical alert ID card and a child’s Action Plan). When hanging, it’s 42 cm wide x 82 cm long and weighs 1.6 kg before the contents are added. The panel has the flexibility to be mounted on a wall or can be removed, folded into a satchel bag with the quick release clips, ready for mobile use!  


Each Allergy Buddy Individual Pouch has room to hold a child’s emergency allergy medications such as EpiPen® (Adrenaline Auto-Injector), Antihistamine, Asthma Medications (Ventolin & compact aerosol spacer chamber). These pouches fit on to the Allergy Buddy Rapid Access Medical Panel where you can have six at one time. 




Premium Snake Bite First Aid Kit  

Premium Snake Bite First Aid Kit

Situated in a snake or spider-prone area? You’d be smart to keep this Snake Bite First Aid Kit handy. The sturdy portable case with internal fold-out compartments is splash resistant for all conditions. Inside are premium latex-free snake bite compression bandages with indicators, ensuring quick and correct application. There’s a full colour snake and spider identification sheet, a treatment guide and additional items like a foam-padded splint, shears, a permanent marker, CPR mask and a whistle for attracting attention in emergencies.  



Clean like a dream 


We know the health and hygiene of your educational facility often falls to you. Ordering the right cleaning supplies can be tricky. Relax! Stock up the janitorial closet with these new cleaning essentials and you can tick cleaning off your admin list. Once you get these in there, your work is done! These Australian-made MTA newbies are ultimate by name and ultimate by nature!  


Ultimate Neutral Cleaner Concentrate & Spray Bottle 

Ultimate Neutral Cleaner Concentrate & Spray Bottle

This is the perfect pH-neutral solution for maintaining cleanliness in your educational environment (and doing less harm to the global environment). It safely and efficiently cleans all hard surfaces, from nappy change areas to floors. And being a concentrate, it really goes the distance! It only needs 20 ml of concentrate from this 5 L container to a 500 ml spray bottle and then fill the rest with water. Then spray away! This all-in-one replaces the need for a spray and wipe, disinfectant, floor cleaner and bathroom cleaner. For floor cleaning and mopping, dilute the concentrate at 40:1.  



Bamboo Bio Wipes 

Bamboo Bio Wipes

We think you’ll love these Bamboo Biodegradable Wipes because they tick all the modern cleaning boxes – they’re thick, absorbent and environmentally friendly. Made using natural biodegradable bamboo fibres (and of course plastic-free cloth and packaging!), each roll contains a whopping 45 metres of wipes, complete with 90 easy-to-tear perforated sheets. Choose from blue, green or red!  



Student support (and smiles) 


It’s nice to have some smile-making resources on hand to keep students occupied and feeling supported when they turn up at your door or office window. Sometimes, they have a little bit of dwell time (when they’re in sick bay or waiting to be picked up) or maybe you just want to have a little something to greet them when they turn up in the office. 

Puffer Stress Ball

Soft rubber air-filled stress balls are all the rage, as you know! Puffer Stress Balls are ever-so-soothing, sensory resources and come with a messy foam finish that makes them oddly attractive and likeable. Pick up a pack with four balls in purple, red, blue and green to keep on hand for little hands aged three and above. 

Flick Sticks.

Have the coolest office or reception area around, with these calming, silent and satisfying sensory Flick Sticks. With the ability to tap, twirl or play with their rubbery fibres, they’re known to reduce stress and anxiety which can be helpful in an office scenario. They also relieve tension and provide an outlet for excess energy. These cute fidget toys attach to screens, windows, surfaces and keyboards thanks to a suction cup that keeps them in place. 

Magnetic magic balls

This expandable Mindfulness Magic Ball can teach children to follow their breath (one of the key techniques of mindfulness practice). This can be so helpful in the office if a child is anxious or a little stressed. Designed in a soft colour palette, little ones will love the addition of the Mindfulness Magic Ball in an office, reception or foyer space. Suits little ones aged 3 years and above. 


Love these? Find more Handheld Fidget Resources here for your office space. 




Teachables Magnetic Whiteboards, Coloured Markers & Mini Erasers Kit 

 Teachables Magnetic Whiteboards, Coloured Markers & Mini Erasers Kit


Doodling, drawing and dreaming… we think this kit could be a great addition to your office or reception area while you’re supporting students as they wait. The kit includes 12 small hand-held magnetic whiteboards (25 x 30 cm), 12 coloured non-toxic markers and 12 small erasers. The whiteboards have a wipe-clean white surface so they can be enjoyed again and again and again. 




Waiting room wows 


An organised and inviting waiting area is soooo easy. And now it can have all the wows too. Just follow our tips and your office waiting area will take on a life of its own while educators, parents, carers, visitors, guests or students are, well… waiting.  


Bring in some cultural touches  

 Indigenous Magazine Boxes

Start with these sturdy Indigenous Magazine Boxes to brighten your waiting area and hold a variety of A4 sized school reading material or magazines. This set features the stunning artwork of Dharug artist-educator Leanne Watson Redpath (the Earth set features an emu, kangaroo and a quokka). The vibrant colours and Australian bush scenery will brighten any office. They’re hardy too, as they’re laminated for strength and durability.  



Create a warm, welcoming space 

Shapes and Words Carpet

 Isn’t this bright, vibrant Shapes and Words Carpet a great solution for your waiting room area?  Another great advantage of a beautiful carpet is the sound muffling qualities versus a traditional wooden or tiled floor. No need to hear distracting footsteps all day long! We think The MTA Spaces Shapes and Words carpet will be a favourite for little office visitors who are exploring early literacy and numeracy. While they’re waiting, they can brush up on their basic skills in colours, shapes, letter recognition and naming. It comes with a range of shape related words along the border to keep them busy too!  


Like any hard-working carpet, it features a thick and durable nylon pile with a sturdy rubber backing for strength and support (it’s a great size too for most foyers or reception spaces measuring 195 x 240 cm). Coloured Space Carpets are designed in Australia and manufactured using lead free dyes. 



The ideal office sofa exists!  

Aalto Double Sofa

No waiting area, foyer or reception area would be complete without a durable sofa lounge… or more if space permits! The Aalto Double Sofa is part of the flexible modular Aalto range of upholstered fabric ottomans with back rests. Just like carpets, using furniture such as upholstered ottomans helps to reduce noise and improve acoustic levels in a space by partially blocking sound waves and absorbing them.  


This range of Aalto ottomans, poufs and sofas features commercial grade, high quality upholstery fabric that includes a grade 4 stain protection treatment to help prevent stains. Handy! Other practical features include a FSC sustainable timber frame and supportive, comfortable padding. The Aalto range is available in a variety of colours which can suit almost any room setting or configuration. This double lounge sofa chair measures 120cm long x 60cm deep x 80cm high, comes with lockable castors as well as plastic feet, allowing for flexibility. Combine two of these comfy chairs together to make a larger sofa or combine with our single sofa.  


Inspired? Check out the full range of Reception & Foyers options here.



Versatile displays for all the things! 

hoto Frame with Stand The super handy and versatile two-sided Photo Frame with Stand can display any number of messages, information, images, updates… you name it! Available in A4 and A5, these frames will work hard delivering important messages. Simply slide in the notice and pop them on any stable surface.  

Duraframe Sign Holder

Every office window needs a large sign holder. Voila! The Duraframe Sign Holder is perfect for displaying signs, notices or artwork on glass. The frame can be attached to glass with static and is easily removable. Your signs can be read from both sides of the glass and are perfect for windows, doors with glass panels or even glass boards. This winner frame comes in A3 size and is available in a pack of two, but it’s also available in an A4 size.  


Need more ideas for noticeboards? Check out our full range of Noticeboards here. 



Fabulous faux-liage 

Fabulous faux-liage

Some say fake, we say fabulous! Here are some faux foliage facts:  

        • FACT ONE: If you want a low-maintenance forever friend, an artificial plant will smile at you 24/7 from its corner.
        • FACT TWO: Studies prove that exposure to nature, even through images, positively impacts our mood and disposition. Since artificial plants mimic nature, they will also elicit these responses.
        • FACT THREE: Faux indoor plants can be stress-busting. Because they can improve mood, they can make you calmer and more composed, thereby lowering stress levels. Experts advise that having lush, beautiful plants close by is one of the simplest ways to de-stress after a difficult or tiring day
        • FACT FOUR: Did we mention they are virtually maintenance-free? (No water, fertiliser or sunlight needed!). 


    • The Ficus Artificial Plant is available in two sizes (90 (H) cm or 180 (H) cm) depending on the space you need to fill. a gorgeous Artificial Ficus Plant makes a bold statement and effortlessly transforms a room into a veritably verdant haven! The full, bushy structure and canopy of leaves make your ficus a natural focal point and a key part of a luscious setting.  Prefer a palm? Renowned for bringing a burst of lush tropical life to any setting, this Artificial Palm evokes the relaxed vibe of sunny coastlines and balmy climates. The 100 cm tall Outdoor Artificial Palm Tree is a natural fit for contemporary decorating in the office, with its breezy appearance and life-like fronds that sway with a suggestion of movement. Brings the aesthetics of the sun-drenched tropics into your everyday. Who needs a green thumb!? 


Find more for the office, reception or foyer to add a bit of colour in our Classroom Display. Why should the teachers have all the fun? 



Personal organisation 

Finally, it’s hard to achieve boss level organisation and activate your admin superpowers without a few personal organisation faves. 



Multi-purpose organisational pouches  

Multi-purpose organisational pouches

These Teachables Pouches are made of durable, flexible EVA mesh, with a quality zipper that’s designed to last. Store stationery, reward stickers, notes, office essentials and documents. Use A3 for large documents; A4 for standard-sized papers; A5 for on-the-go compact organisation; DL size for envelope-sized essentials.  




2024 Planner  


Every year, we create these much-loved MTA Early Years & Teacher Planners. They’re the ultimate organisational tools, developed in tandem with teachers & educators. But school admins can also find these the perfect premium quality A4 spiral bound planner with 53 week-to-view spreads and important dates/term dates for 2024/2025. Perhaps keep a planner or two on hand to welcome new and casual teachers as well? 


Want more display and organisational inspo? Find it here in our Folders, Filing & Display section. 


So there you have it. Office organisation sorted. Of course, MTA has a LOT more to choose from (with 27,000 educational resources for teachers and educators and over 1,350 new resources in 2024 alone). Tell us anything else you’d love to make your office sing, and how you’ll achieve boss-level organisation @modernteaching


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6 easy heartfelt, handmade Mother’s Day gifts Mums love and little ones love to make 

8924_MTA_Mothers Day Craft_Header Blog

Every mum is a gift. But on Mother’s Day, it’s their turn to receive some love in the shape of a special gift.  

Help your little learners say “I love you, Mum” with these super simple craft activities. Key tags in candy colours. Wooden flowers that always bloom. Sweet note holders that cradle special messages. These handmade gifts are an easy way for children of all ages to showcase their love and creativity and have been designed to make educators smile too! They’re colourful, fun ideas we take you through step-by-step. 


Get ready to dive into a world of glitter, glue and gratitude as we turn this Mother’s Day into a magical moment for educators, children and mums alike! 


Mother’s Day Note Holder 


8924_Mother’s Day Note Holder


We all know that mums are busy bees. So, what better gift to give than a note holder that keeps notes and special messages organised and doubles as a colourful and floral appreciation of all the hard work they put in? 


You will need:  

Mum Note Holder 

Pastel Paint 

Pastel Paper 

Felt Flowers 

Bio-Glitter – Set of 8 

Creatistics Strong Craft Glue  

Masking Tape 



Assemble the note holder by slotting the two MUM sides into the stand. 

Apply your desired shades of pastel paint to the sides and stand and set aside to dry. Repeat paint application as desired.  

Lay a length of thin masking tape across the front of the MUM lettering roughly 2/3rds of the way down. Press down gently.  

Spread a layer of glue to the MUM letters below the masking tape line and sprinkle Bio-glitter to cover the glue. Shake off excess and set aside to dry. 

Use a pencil to roughly draw a small leaf shape onto the pastel paper, fold the paper several times (to a workable thickness to complement scissor skills) and cut out the drawn leaf. You will now have multiple leaves. Repeat as desired. 

Use strong craft glue to adhere the leaves and the desired number of felt flowers to the note holder and set aside to dry. 

Done! The perfect Mother’s Day Note Holder is ready.  


*TOP TIP – When shaking the Bio-glitter over the MUM Note Holder, lay a piece of paper under it to catch the excess glitter. You’ll be able to put the glitter back in the bottle to reuse.  


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Wooden Flower Bouquet 


8924_Wooden Flower Bouquet


To show everlasting love for mums on their special day, gift something that lasts just as long with an everlasting flower bouquet! Plus, the original wooden flower bouquet can double as a jewellery display for another crafty day. 


You will need:  

 Wooden Flower Bouquet

Creatistics Acrylic Paint Set 

Felt Flowers 

Pastel Pipe Cleaners 

Matt Paper Squares 

White Silk Clay 

Paper Magiclay Candy Colours 

Tacky Glue 




Assemble the Flower Bouquet by slotting the flowerpot into the stand. 

Apply your desired shades of pastel paint to the assembled flower bouquet and set aside to dry.  

Snip 2 x green pipe cleaners into 3rds to make 6 x short flower ‘stems’.  

Turn 6 x felt flowers upside down on a flat surface and squeeze a big blob of tacky glue to the back of each flower. Gently press the ends of the pipe cleaner stems into the tacky glue blobs and leave to dry overnight.  

Weave and twist the flower stems through the pre-cut holes and twist around themselves to keep them in place.  

Use small dabs of tacky glue to secure the paper leaves in place, making a bountiful-looking bouquet of flowers. Set aside to dry.  

Use a small handful of white silk clay with a small amount of candy-coloured Magiclay to knead and press down onto the stand to add texture as desired (handy to press additional embellishments into as desired). 

Done! The perfect Wooden Flower Bouquet is ready. 


*TOP TIP – Extend the activity for older students by enlarging the flowers using matte paper squares. Simply draw larger flower shapes or thin strips to loop for petals and glue to the back of the felt flowers before adding the pipe cleaner stem.   


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Rose Gold Key Tags 


8924_Rose Gold Key Tags


These personalised Mother’s Day keyrings turn an ordinary key chain into an extraordinary keepsake. What’s more, they’re super colourful and eye-catching, so mums can say goodbye to the days of misplaced keys! 


 You will need:  

Rose Gold Lobster Key Tags 

White Silk Clay 

Paper Magiclay Candy Colours 

Leather Cord 

Alphabet & Number Stamps 

Assorted Coloured Tassels 

Dough Scissors 

Plastic Lacing Needles 



 Knead a portion of white silk clay with small amounts of candy coloured Magiclay to make pastel tones.  

Use a small handful of your pastel silk clay to gently press flat, keeping the thickness roughly 1 – 2cm.  

Use dough scissors to cut out a heart shape (Use a pencil or skewer to roughly mark out the heart shape to guide cutting lines if required). Gently press the edges to smooth them.  

Press the Alphabet & Number stamps into the heart to imprint ‘MUM’ or ‘I LOVE MUM’ etc. as desired. 

Poke a skewer through the top of the heart and wiggle around, making a hole large enough to thread the leather cord. Set aside to dry out.  

With the offcuts from the heart and your remaining pastel coloured silk clay, roll into large round ‘beads’.  

Poke a skewer through the centre of each hole and wiggle around to form a hole large enough for the leather cord to thread through. Set aside along with the heart to dry out for 24 to 48 hours.  

Time to assemble! Cut a length of leather cord roughly 30cm and thread through the heart and secure with a knot. Thread on several beads (plastic lacing needles will assist the cord through the beads if needed) and then tie to the Rose Gold Lobster Key Tag. Tie off with several tight knots. Cut off excess cord.  

Cut another length of cord to attach several beads and one coloured tassel to the lobster keychain, again tying off with several tight knots. Cut off excess cord.  

Done! The perfect Rose Gold Key Tag is ready.  


*TOP TIP – For younger age groups feel welcome to omit the beads and use a cookie cutter to help form the silk clay shape.  


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Wooden Flower Pop Mum Pot 


8924_Wooden Flower Pop Mum Pots


The creative possibilities are endless with the blank canvas of a flower-shaped paddle-pop stick and a flower pot. Children can write their sweetest Mother’s Day messages on the pots and then customise the beautiful flowers! 


You will need:  

Wooden Flower Paddle Pop Sticks 

Porcelain Flower Pot

Glass & Porcelain Markers 

Creatistics Pastel Paint 

Pastel Pom Poms  

Pastel Buttons 

Creatistics Pattern Paper Squares 

Green Crinkle Paper Shred 

Adhesive Rhinestones 

Green Silk Clay 



Draw or write messages onto the porcelain pot using Glass & Porcelain markers and set aside a few hours for drawings to air dry.  

Bake the pots in the oven at 150 degrees C for 30 minutes, turn oven off and allow to cool before removing (this ‘sets’ the markers to reduce wear and tear).  

Apply pastel paint to the Wooden Flower Paddle Pop Sticks and set aside to dry. Repeat application as desired.  

Use craft glue to decorate flowers with pastel buttons, beads, pom poms, rhinestones and pattern paper. Set aside to dry.  

Fill the pot with Silk Clay and gently press the flower pop sticks into the clay just enough to stand up. 

Add a few squeezes of craft glue on top of the silk clay and gently press Green Crinkle Paper to cover the clay. Set aside to dry.  

Done! The perfect Flower Pop Mum Pot is ready.  

*TOP TIP – Personalise further by adding a photo to the centre of the Flower Paddle Pop Sticks. Simply print out in a small size and snip around the children’s faces to fit the centre of the flower stick.  


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Mother’s Day Yarn Card  


8924_Mother’s Day Yarn Card


This activity is a two-for-one special! Children can pick between two beautiful options, but no matter which they choose, mums will love this heartfelt card. 


You will need:  

Pastel Acrylic Yarn 

White Cards and Envelopes 

Creatistics Strong Craft Glue 

Mini Pop Sticks 

Pastel Coloured Cardboard 

Creatistics Glue Sticks 

Jute Hemp Twine 





On an old cardboard box, draw 3 x tulip shapes and cut out carefully (alternatively, use coloured cardboard if you haven’t got any boxes handy).  

Cut a workable length of pastel yarn and either tie around the centre of the tulip or use masking tape to attach yarn in place at the back.  

Wind the yarn around the tulip until it looks full and colourful. Either tie off at the back or use masking place to hold down.  

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of the tulips.  

Cut a piece of coloured cardboard to fit the front of the card, roughly 14(L) x 9(W)cm, and glue to the front of the card. 

Use strong craft glue to adhere 3 x mini green pop sticks and the 3 yarn tulips to the front of the card, along with a jute hemp twine bow around the pop sticks. Set aside to dry.  

Draw/write MUM a Mother’s Day message inside the card.  

Done! The perfect Mother’s Day Yarn Card is ready.  


*TOP TIP – Cardboard boxes are thick enough to hold their shape for young children to wrap the yarn around. Young children might also enjoy working with a larger sized tulip shape to match their fine motor skills. 





Using a pencil, draw a heart onto the card.  

Cover the entire heart shape with craft glue.  

Snip workable lengths of pastel yarn and lay over the glue, working from the outside of the heart to the inside until all the glue is covered.  

Set aside to dry.  

Alternatively, draw a heart shape onto the coloured cardboard, cover in glue and lay shorter lengths of yarn horizontally across the heart working from the top to the bottom until all the glue it covered. When dry, carefully cut out the heart shape, snipping off the excess yarn at the same time. Your heart is now ready to glue onto the white card.  

Done! The perfect Mother’s Day Yarn Card is ready.  


*TOP TIP – This activity is for all ages! Younger children will enjoy working with short pre-cut lengths of yarn, sticking them into glue applied in a heart shape.


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Handprint Shrink Film Key Chain  


8924_Handprint Shrink Film Key Chain


Kids grow up so fast! This Mother’s Day, give a personalised lasting memory with this handprint keychain. It’s a meaningful way to celebrate the connection between children and their wonderful mums. 


You will need:  

Clear Shrink Film 

Creatistics Acrylic Paint 

Creatistics Paint Brushes 

Key Chain 

Assorted Colour Tassels 

Natural Beading Cord 

One Hole Paper Punch 



Use a brush to apply paint to children’s hands (a brush will ensure an even coat of paint for a crisp handprint).  

Press painted hand down onto the shrink film and lift hand off to reveal the print. Set aside to dry. 

Older students might like to write the letter M on either side of the handprint, spelling out MUM with the handprint in place of the letter U. 

Carefully cut around each design and punch a hole at the top.  

Preheat oven to 150°C. 

Place the design on a lined tray (matte side up) and bake.  

Plastic will begin to shrink after 10 seconds, watch carefully! They will shrink to approx. 60% of the original size. 

Remove from oven once plastic has flattened and set tray aside to cool completely before handling. 

Thread the beading cord through the shrink film decoration, add a tassel and tie firmly to a key chain. 

Done! The perfect Handprint Key Chain is ready.  

*TOP TIP – Coloured pencil markings will darken in the oven; a very light shading is all that’s needed for bright vibrant colour.  


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We hope you love getting crafty this Mother’s Day and creating these 6 fun activities. If you’d like to download the step-by-step activity pack pdf, click here. Happy crafting, and please share your crafty Easter creations with us @modernteaching. 



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Hello Harmony Day, 2025!

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14 ways to celebrate our cultural diversity in an inspiring way… 

Harmony Day ( 21 March 2025) is part of Harmony Week, which celebrates Australia’s amazing cultural diversity. During this week, schools celebrate inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for all Australians, from the traditional custodians of the land to those who have come from many countries around the world.

This week of inclusiveness is celebrated from Monday, 17 to Sunday, 23 March 2025, so there are plenty of opportunities to create and participate in activities all week long.

With the motto ‘Everyone belongs’, Harmony Week encourages us to appreciate our differences and similarities, promote inclusiveness, and show mutual respect for everyone, regardless of race, colour, religion, or background.

Let’s come together to celebrate Harmony Week 2025 and continue building a nation where everyone truly belongs.

Why we love Harmony Day 

  • It celebrates diversity 
  • You can celebrate your own way 
  • It unites cultures 

Statistics show that diverse communities, companies and civilisations are happier, healthier and more prosperous. So, including everyone really does make the world a better place! 


The history of Harmony Day 

Harmony Day was first celebrated in Australia in 1999. People celebrate it by reflecting on the ways they can live in harmony with their neighbours. In 1998, the government commissioned a study into the nature of racism that highlighted a greater need for people to ‘live in harmony’. As a result, Harmony Day was created to encourage everyone to respect each other and appreciate the country’s vibrant multicultural background. 


Fascinating facts 

Some interesting statistics about Australia’s diversity today from latest Census Data: 

  • 29.1% of Australia’s population were born overseas.  
  • 51.5 % of Australian residents were born overseas (first generation) or have a parent born overseas (second generation)    
  • We identify with over 300 ancestries in Australia 
  • 812,728 people identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. This is an increase of 25.2% since 2016, representing 3.2% of the population. 
  • 167 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages were used at home by 76,978 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The most widely reported language groups used were Arnhem Land and Daly River Region Languages (14.5%) and Torres Strait Island Languages (12.0%). 
  • Since 1945, more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia 
  • The top five most reported ancestries included English 33.0%, Australian 29.9%, Irish 9.5%, Scottish 8.6% and Chinese 5.5%. 
  • Mandarin is the most common language other than English spoken in Australia with 685,274 people using Mandarin at home. 
  • This is followed by Arabic (367,159 people), Vietnamese (320,758 people), and Cantonese (295,281 people). 
  • Punjabi had the largest increase, showing 239,033 people using Punjabi at home. 
  • Nepali featured in the top five languages used at home in both ACT (1.3%) and Tasmania (1.3%). 
  • 85% of Australians agree multiculturalism has been good for Australia 


How to celebrate Harmony Day 

As an educator, you can use this day (or week) to help students understand the importance of celebrating diversity, inclusion, respect, empathy and community. Harmony Day activities help us understand how all Australians equally belong to this nation and enrich it. We’ve put our thinking caps on and curated some ideas that schools can use to celebrate Harmony Day 2025 in a respectful and engaging way. 

  • Wear orange 

On the official Harmony Week website, it tells us that ‘orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week’ as it ‘signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.’ So, ask your class or school to wear something orange on Harmony Day to show their support for cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia. 

  •  Share stories 

What better way to promote diversity than by exploring different cultures and customs from your peers? Encourage students to share stories about their backgrounds with their classmates. Storytelling is such a personal way to learn about different traditions and a way to promote cross-cultural understanding. This beautiful Fair Trade Aboriginal Symbol Kit would make a great year-round addition to any classroom. 

  •  Eat the world’s yummiest food 

Food is a universal language that brings people together. Encourage students to bring in a traditional dish from their culture or organise a multicultural food festival. This is a fun (and yummy) way for children to learn about different cultures and celebrate our culinary similarities and differences. Perhaps your class can bake a Harmony Cake, mixing different ingredients to produce a delicious and harmonious result.  

  •  Get arty & crafty 

Arts and crafts are a fantastic way to explore diversity and for students to display their heritage. Why not organise a poster or art competition around the theme of Harmony Day? For art and craft projects that showcase different cultures, inspire your class to create a traditional item (think Chinese paper lantern, mask, origami or Indigenous basket) or create a symbolic diversity tree of hands or paper chain of people from around the world. This is a great all year round Multicultural Craft Kit. 

  •  Role play with multicultural families 

Consider role play or putting on a show with a set of stylised multicultural dolls or characters or even finger puppets. We love our beautiful Fair Trade Multicultural Families handmade in India under Fair Trade conditions, especially for younger age groups. 

  •  Make music! 

Encourage students to bring in music from their culture and play during class. We love this all-rounder Cultural Music Set. Alternatively, look at celebrating Harmony Day with a class choir. Choose a unifying song to bring their voices together. Invite students to perform their song in a cultural performance for the school at assembly. Music is a fabulous way to celebrate cultural diversity. 

  •  Multicultural dance party 

Students can learn traditional dances from different cultures. Or enjoy a multicultural dance party with the traditional music the students share. What a great way to appreciate the beauty of cultural expression. Alternatively, organise a Cultural Dance Workshop. Invite a dance instructor or member of the community to teach traditional dances from different cultures. 

  •  Traditional costumes  

Dress-up Day in traditional cultural costumes is a fun and interactive way for students to showcase their unique heritage and celebrate the diversity of their peers. There are so many intricate and beautiful traditional costumes to see and celebrate. 

  •  Inclusive classroom activities 

Harmony Week classroom activities are a simple way to promote diversity. You could encourage students to teach each other phrases or words in different languages, starting with ‘hello’. Or think interactive, and use videos as stimulus, or take the class on a 360-degree virtual tour of another country using your interactive panel.  

Some other classroom starters here: 

  •  Cultural display

Set up a cultural display in your classroom, featuring artifacts, pictures and other items from different cultures around the world. Encourage students to contribute to the display by bringing in items from their culture or a culture they’re interested in. This is a great way to spark conversations about different traditions. 

  •  Invite guests to chat!

Help students gain a better appreciation of different cultures firsthand by inviting a guest speaker or local community member to engage in some personal cultural storytelling. Real, lived experiences make for a more authentic way to bring a different cultural perspective to life. 

  •  Explore your diverse community 

Give students a deeper understanding of the cultural diversity of their community by going on a community walk. Point out cultural landmarks, such as religious buildings or monuments and discuss the significance of these landmarks to the community.  

  •  Involve students in community outreach programs

Organise community outreach programs for older students to participate in. Visit cultural centres, attend festivals or volunteer with community organisations. This provides an opportunity for students to connect with people from different cultures, gain a deeper understanding of these communities, and make a difference in the world. 

  •  Harmony Day pledge

Ask students to take a pledge to promote harmony, respect and inclusion in their school and community. They could write and decorate their own pledge with their own heartfelt message, then place their pledge on the classroom walls. 


Celebrating Harmony Day in the classroom is an excellent opportunity for you to engage students in meaningful conversations and activities that promote understanding, empathy and a sense of community. By promoting cultural diversity and inclusiveness, teachers can create a learning environment that celebrates the unique differences and similarities of all cultures. Let’s come together, celebrate our diversity, and make Harmony Day a day to remember! 



Shop multicultural resources 

At MTA, we have some amazing pedagogically sound resources that embrace diversity, inclusiveness and multicultural celebrations all year long… 


Other links to inspire: 

Visit the Australian Government Harmony Week for schools website for a collection of lesson ideas organised by level of schooling and subject area and aligned to the Australian Curriculum and resources for Harmony Week including templates for posters, invitations and certificates as well as frames, filters, graphics and banners for websites and social media. Learn more about understanding diversity and culture at the Multicultural Education webpages. Find out more about Planning Harmony Week here. 


Download our free Harmony Day Art & Craft  activities here.


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Cultural resources showcase – what’s new & inspiring in 2024

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Authentic resources in the cultural space can be so creative! We love hearing how you use them with your students and children to engage, teach and tell stories. With a stronger focus on embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into both the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum, our goal, as always, is to support you in your teaching practice.  


The new EYLF V2.0 has been updated to include the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of being, knowing and doing, and inclusion. A new principle on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives emphasises the importance of respectfully and truthfully reflecting the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This is achieved through community involvement and culturally sensitive practices.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are embedded into the new curriculum as a ‘cross-curriculum priority’. In short that means incorporating it through content and enriching learning in the most authentic way! Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures is incorporated through content to deepen students’ understanding of First Nations Australian histories and cultures. 


We’re excited to show you what’s new this year and how to make the most of these resources. From books and craft to puzzles and games, we’ve rounded up the best new cultural resources in 2024 right here. (Remember to check out our tried & trusted favourites too!) 


Children’s Books


Beautiful big books 

Beautiful big books opened centerfold

We love this distinctive series, illustrated and written by talented Aboriginal artist and storyteller Kiz Costelloe, a proud Mandandanji and Noonuccal woman. All A3 size with 16 pages in each, they suit ages three and above. Storytime with big books (all those captivating illustrations and stories!) increase children’s imagination and sensory learning skills, plus provide wonderful classroom discussions. Here, children learn about food and animals that are not just a source of inspiration but have cultural significance. 


Gathering Bush Tucker Big Book  

This book takes young readers on a journey into the heart of Indigenous culture… travel through the Australian outback and learn about bush tucker, from honey ants to emu eggs.   


Creatures from Sea Country Big Book 

Readers encounter sea creatures from a graceful sea turtle to a shy octopus, as well as pay homage to Indigenous communities and their deep connection to the ocean.  


Animals from Land Country (Aboriginal Art) Big Book 

In Indigenous culture, native animals are bearers of ancient wisdom, guardians of the land and symbols of deep spiritual meaning. Here, children explore the diversity of Australia’s animals from a shy echidna to a graceful kangaroo. 


About the artist: Kiz was born and raised in Rockhampton, Queensland with her mum and sister. Her elders are her biggest inspiration and getting to carry on her Uncle’s legacy by pursuing art and sharing his name and stories is something she values very deeply. 



Our Yarning Stories  

Yarning Stories Books

This inspiring library of books has been written by First Nations people to reflect diverse cultural identities from regional, remote, rural and urban communities. Each set contains ten stories focusing on connection to the world around us. Research shows that children achieve more when they begin their learning journey reading stories that reflect the lived experiences of their community and history, engaging children to become life-long learners. These authentic collections make a wonderful addition to any children’s book library. 


Let’s Start Reading 

Hug a Bug, Bush Sounds, Tiny Dancer, Wheels Are All Around… these are just some of the titles in this set that build curiosity and fascination with our world. 


Let’s Connect with Country & Culture 

This set of stories talks to the importance of community, country and culture. Titles include Feet on the Ground, Where I’m From, Being Me, Island Boy Dreams and The Big Storm. 


Let’s Get Active 

Let’s Play Footy, Not Inside, Learning with Grandpa… this book set celebrates connection to family, community and adventure! 


Let’s See Animals 

In this set, readers explore native wildlife from an Indigenous perspective. Titles include: Crocodiles in My Uncle’s Yard, Baby Bird and Bush Basketball (will that cheating emu ever play fair?). 


Let’s Collect Tucker 

Readers are invited to get stuck into some bush tucker with delicious tales of bush food and connection to country. Titles include Eggs For Breakfast, Nanna’s Barramundi and Waiting for Mangoes. Yum!  



Puzzles and games

Board games, memory games, snap card games… we have some new cultural resources in this area that feature stunning illustrations and are perfect for developing cognitive skills and hand-eye coordination, as well as helping children to learn about Aboriginal culture and history.  

Let’s take a look at some of our new kits and sets. 



Aboriginal Art 10 Puzzle & Poster Set 

Aboriginal Puzzles

This set features 10 beautiful hand-cut animal puzzles created by Aboriginal artists Kiz Costelloe & Rhea Blair-Kearins. Each puzzle has 18 pieces to keep little hands and minds busy. 



Aboriginal Games Kit 

Aboriginal board games

This kit offers up a collection of Aboriginal games to set up your centre or school space. It includes: 


  • The Bushwalk Bush Tucker Board Game 
  • Serpents and Sticks Board Game 
  • Aboriginal Art Animals Memory Game 
  • Matching Aboriginal Art Game 
  • Aboriginal Tools Memory Cards 




Fave from the kit: 

The Bushwalk Bush Tucker Board Game  The Bushwalk Bush Tucker Board Game

A fun way to teach little ones all about bush tucker! Follow the animal track and move forward but be careful of those snakes! The first person to get to the campfire wins. Perfect for ages three years and above. It’s hand-made in Australia from radiata pine with artwork by Kiz Costelloe. 






Aboriginal Bush Food Kit 

Aboriginal games kit

Set up a cultural corner with this kit of books, games, signs and more. It’s ideal for learning about traditional bush food, encouraging role-play and opening conversations about First Nations People and their culture. For thousands of years, Aboriginal people have utilised and cared for the Australian landscape. Plant foods consumed across the continent varies greatly, and the harvesting of these foods forms an important part of cultural, spiritual and community life. This educational kit includes:   

  • Bush Tucker Poster 
  • Bush Foods Snap 
  • Bush Foods Snap-Saltwater Country 
  • Bush Food Garden Sign 
  • Gathering Bush Tucker Big Book 
  • Australian Indigenous Food Set 



Fave from the kit: 

Bush Foods Snap – Saltwater Country Bush Foods Snap – Saltwater Country

With this Snap Game (which can also be used as a Memory Game), children can learn about the concept of matching pairs and learn about some Australian native plant bush foods found on Saltwater Country. 








Aboriginal Symbols Kit 

 Aboriginal Symbols Kit

An easy way to increase the cultural insight of children is by teaching commonly recognised Aboriginal symbols. Aboriginal symbols represent the earliest form of communication used by our First Nations people and are a special way in which Aboriginal stories are told and shared. Their use and meanings vary across the country and between Aboriginal groups. This kit is perfect for developing an understanding of the meanings of each symbol. It includes: 

  • 20 Aboriginal Symbols Sign 
  • Aboriginal Art Symbols Memory Game 
  • Ceremony Symbols Bunting 
  • Aboriginal Symbol Cards 



Faves from the kit: 

20 Aboriginal Symbols Sign20 Aboriginal Symbols Sign

This bright and colourful rainbow Aboriginal Symbols Sign showcases 20 symbols. Hang in your classroom or use flat on a desk and use in storytelling and art activities. 





Faves from the kit: 

Aboriginal Symbol Cardsrica1302

This set of 20 Aboriginal Symbols cards is A6 in size with each made of high quality 350gsm artboard. Aboriginal symbols are often used to express stories around hunting and tracking, animals, connection to country, and people and community. 


Faves from the kit: 

Aboriginal Art Symbols Memory Games Aboriginal Art Symbols Memory Games

Engage with Aboriginal art while developing your memory skills with this fun, educational game that features matching pairs of Aboriginal symbols. 24 cards (12 matching pairs) are presented in a pine wooden tray. 


About the artist: Card art is by Shareen Clayton, a proud Wiradjuri woman, born and raised in Sydney, NSW. She’s mastered her skills in art for over 20 years having been inspired by her artistic parents. 






Aboriginal Symbols Sand Drawing Games 

Shareen Clayton has also provided the symbol illustrations for this sensory resource that lets children create art patterns. Little fingers can trace 16 Aboriginal symbols in the sand for a unique sensory experience. Once the symbol is drawn, use a screed to smooth out the sand so children can create their next masterpiece. Ideal for those aged three and above. 




Aboriginal Animal Flag Puzzle Luke Mallie 

Aboriginal Animal Flag Puzzle Luke Mallie 

Luke Mallie is an award-winning artist who has earned the reputation as one of Australia’s best Indigenous artists and designers for his amazing artwork. This beautiful Luke Mallie artwork of animal designs layered on the Aboriginal flag represents the connection of animals to country. 20 puzzle pieces ideal for little ones aged three and above. 



Art and craft



Bayadherra Art Smock

Bayadherra Art Smock  

We adore this and think you will too! When little ones want to indulge in messy play, this long-sleeved Creatistics art smock helps keep clothes dry and clean. It’s designed in collaboration with Bayadherra, founded by proud Aboriginal Yorta Yorta brother and sister Luke and Siena Tieri. Best of all, it’s easy to pop on or off, comfortable to wear and can be quickly wiped down after use. It’s available in sizing for the littlest artists (1–3 years) and older children (3–6 years) and also comes in sets of 10 for your group of art-loving children.  


About the artist: 100% Aboriginal-owned and operated, Bayadherra is a group of emerging artists with a mission to promote reconciliation, cultural awareness and understanding by reflecting their First Nations heritage in authentic contemporary art pieces. ‘Bayadherra’ in Yorta Yorta language means ‘turtle’, the spiritual animal totem of the Yorta Yorta clan: a name reflective of Luke and Siena’s Aboriginal identity and connection to community and Country. 


Room decor


Durable floor mats  

When you’re building your suite of cultural resources for your centre or school, consider these statement floor mats with authentic artwork digitally printed onto them. We love these colourful new designs that are so functional for creating zones, as well as vibrant for play and creating an authentically inspiring space. These mats feature artwork by First Nations visual artist, John Smith Gumbula. They’re tough and ready for action too! Both mats feature a durable short weave polyester surface with non-slip rubber backing, so they’re great on hard floors or carpet (200 cm in length and 140 cm in width). 



Dreamtime Country Sacred Lands Indoor Floor Mat

Dreamtime Country Sacred Lands Indoor Floor MatThis first mat in our showcase features Gumbula’s artwork ‘My Country, Sacred Place’. 




Darambal Country Indoor Floor MatDarambal Country Indoor Floor Mat

This second amazing, printed floor mat showcases the artwork ‘Darumbal Country’. 





Ready to support your teaching practice with some amazing new cultural resources? Hit the links and please let us know how your children or students connect with these authentic resources. Happy teaching! 


Shop the cultural showcase:  Product wishlist


Discover more of MTA’s cultural resources here. 


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Celebrate summer with 7 handmade craft activities full of sunshine and fun!

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From sand art to a paper plate sun… try some quick, cool fun over the long, hot summer. Celebrate the colours, textures and feathery, fluttery creatures of summer with these 7 super-easy craft activities. Designed for little hands to deliver a big result, share your summer craft handmade creativity and tag us @modernteaching! We love seeing your style! So roll up your sleeves and dive in! We’ll guide you through each summer-loving step.



Sand Art Jar


Sand Art Jar

Summer in a jar! This is so simple, dreamy and impactful. Making a humble jar take on summer sand beach vibes is so easy! It will look so cute on a shelf and teaches children about colours, patterns and textures. Follow along step-by-step here.


You will need:

Glass Storage Jar

Creatistics Coloured Sand

Dispenser Bottles with Cap

Creatistics Strong Craft Glue



Take the lid off the glass jar and set aside.

Use a spoon or dispenser bottle to pour layers of coloured sand into the jar one at a time.

Use as many colours and layers as desired until the jar is completely full.

Apply a thin layer of Strong Craft Glue to the rim of the lid and tightly screw onto the jar.

Wipe away any excess glue and set aside to dry.

Done! The perfect Sand Art Jar is ready.


TOP TIP – Make mesmerising layers by tilting the jar slightly in different directions when adding each colour of sand.



Cardboard Tube & Paper Plate Butterfly


Cardboard Tube & Paper Plate Butterfly – 1

Make a family of adorable butterflies and watch your heart flutter. These butterflies can be as colourful and imaginative as you like. Why not create a summer theme wall for your butterflies to fly free?


You will need:

Cardboard Tubes Assorted

Unwaxed Round Paper Plates

Assorted Joggle Eyes

Multicoloured Pipe Cleaners

Pom Poms

All Purpose Washable School Glue

Collage Paper Shapes

Tempera Poster Paint

Masking Tape



Using lots of bright colours, apply paint to a paper plate and a cardboard roll and set aside to dry.

When thoroughly dry, cut the paper plate into quarters to make the butterfly’s wings (children old enough to be handy with scissors might benefit from drawn-on cutting lines to follow).

To assemble the butterfly, use strong glue to adhere the four wings to the cardboard roll body and two joggle eyes.

To make the antennae, fold one pipe cleaner in half and adhere two pom poms to the two ends with strong glue.

Stick the antennae to the inside of the cardboard roll with masking tape.

If desired, use strong glue to decorate the wings with scraps of paper, snipping them into shapes as desired and set aside to dry.

When thoroughly dry, personalise further by drawing a mouth and any other features as desired.

Done! Your perfect Butterfly is ready.


TOP TIP – To hang in the learning environment, poke a skewer through the back of the butterfly’s cardboard tube body and thread a length of string through.




Birds Nest

Birds Nest


This sweet bird’s nest with a family of little birds is so much fun to make and looks great. Where will your summer birds nest live? Have fun with your colourful, feathered friends as children learn about textures, colours and different ‘homes’.

You will need:

A4 Creatistics Brown Cover Paper

Gloss Paper Squares

Short Feathers

Joggle Eyes

All Purpose Washable School Glue

Masking Tape

Creatistics A4 Orange Cover Paper

Acrylic Brown Yarn



With brown cover paper, cut one rough semicircle shape and set aside.

With your gloss squares, use a round object (measuring cups work well) to trace and cut out circles – one large and one smaller. Two circles will make one bird. Set desired quantity of circles aside.

Take an orange gloss square, fold it in half and cut small triangles along the folded line. These will open out to make the bird’s beak. Set aside.

Snip short lengths of brown yarn (each roughly 5(L)cm) and set aside.

Ready to assemble! Use all-purpose washable school glue to adhere the pieces together – 1 larger circle to make the bird’s body and one smaller to make the head with a beak. Add feathers for wings and yarn to create a cosy nest.

Add two joggle eyes to each bird and set aside to dry.

Done! Your perfect Birds Nest is ready.


TOP TIP – Young children with emerging scissor skills might enjoy working with a selection of pre-cut shapes to assemble, or paper eye stickers instead of joggle eyes.



Pony Bead Snake

Snakes craft, Blue background

Snakes alive! Beads make a great basis for craft activities, developing fine motor skills in young children and encouraging creativity. Watch a slithering (but friendly) snake come to life in this summer craft activity children will love. Slither along step-by-step here…


You will need:

Multicoloured Pipe Cleaners

Pearl Pony Beads

Assorted Joggle Eyes

All Purpose Washable School Glue



Thread the 1st bead onto the pipe cleaner and bend the very end around the bead, securing it in place to prevent the rest of the beads from falling off.

Thread 28 more beads onto the pipe cleaner to form the snake’s ‘body’.

To make the head, thread six beads of the same colour and then curve back around to form a head shape (three beads on each side of the head) and firmly twist the pipe cleaner around itself between two beads at the snake’s ‘neck’.

Bend the remaining length of pipe cleaner back to poke out through the middle of the head to form a tongue.

Use Washable School Glue to adhere two joggle eyes onto the head, and an extra dab of glue as the tail and head to secure for play and set aside to dry.

Done! Your perfect Pony Bead Snake is ready.


TOP TIP – These adorable snakes aren’t just for craft! They make wonderful props for children’s dramatic play and recounting of favourite stories.



Paper Plate Rainbow Sun


Sunshine Craft, Yellow background

Here comes the sun! With some crepe streamers and paper plates, little ones can create a salute to the sun! Encourage environmental awareness and how Planet Earth and the sun work together. Children have the freedom to create the sun’s friendly face, too. Use this craft activity time to teach about weather, heat, clouds and rain (and rainbows!).


You will need:

Unwaxed Paper Plates

Tempera Poster Paint

Creatistics A4 Yellow Cover Paper

Assorted Crepe Streamers

Creatistics PVA Washable School Glue

Cotton Wool Balls

POSCA Black Bullet Marker



Cut one paper plate in half to make the sun and paint it a bright, sunny yellow.

To make the clouds, glue several cotton wool balls to either side of the paper plate’s flat surface and set aside to dry.

To make the sun’s rays snip yellow and orange paper into long tringles, and either glue or sticky tape them onto the back of the painted plate.

Cut strips of crepe paper roughly 30cm in length to make the rainbow, one each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Arrange the crepe paper into rainbow form and glue or tape the lengths to the back of the sun’s flat surface so they can hang down.

Finish off by personalising your sun further with a smiling face.

Done! Your perfect Paper Plate Rainbow Sun is ready.


TOP TIP – To turn your paper plate rainbow sun into a 3D hanging artwork, simply paint another half plate to glue to the back of the sun, punch a hole through the two sides and hang it in your learning environment with a length of twine.




Spinning Paper Cup Windmill


Spinning Paper Cup Windmill – 1

This craft activity lets children create an adorable windmill complete with moving paper blades. Not only is this handmade activity fun, but it also helps children understand basic motion and wind energy (and maybe they can see some famous windmills around the world!).


You will need:

Tempera Paint

Paper Fasteners Split Pins

Cardboard Colour Squares

All Purpose Washable School Glue

POSCA Bullet Marker Pack

Spring Assisted Scissors



Decorate a paper cup with brightly coloured paint and set aside to dry.

To make the windmill’s blades, cut two lengths of coloured cardboard (each length measures 9cm long, 2cm wide at the ends, and 1cm wide in the centre).

Use a skewer to poke a hole through the centre of each blade and push a split pin through the holes. Use a dab of school glue to secure the windmill blades to the pin and set aside to dry.

Use markers to decorate the dried windmill cup with windows, a door and any other desired features (remember your windmill will stand upside down).

Use a skewer to poke a hole through the front of the cup, roughly 1.5cm from the top (the bottom of the cup).

Push the split pin (with blades) through the cup’s hole and secure it in place, opening the fasteners inside the cup.

Done! Your perfect Spinning Paper Cup Windmill is ready.


TOP TIP – Make light work of making windmill blades by cutting out a template for preschoolers to trace around or have pre-cut blades ready for younger years.




Wooden Peg Creatures

Wooden Peg Creatures

Peg-tastic animals and shapes! In this fun activity, creativity and imagination will run wild as children create their own little creature that has a spiky feature or rays. How about a “peg-asus” with pegs for wings (see what we did there!)?


You will need:

Wooden Pegs

Cardboard Colour Squares


Large Glue-On Eyes

Creatistics Acrylic Paint Pack

Tacky Craft Glue



With a pencil or marker, draw your desired creature that features spikes, such as a dinosaur, echidna, hedgehog or a sun.

Carefully cut the shape out.

Use Tacky Craft Glue to attach joggle eyes to your creature and set aside to dry.

Using coloured paint, cover the wooden pegs in your desired shade (green for a dinosaur, yellow for a sun, etc.) and set aside to dry.

Use markers to add desired details, such as fur, feathers, scales, facial features, etc.

When the pegs are dry, peg them into position on your creature.

Done! Your perfect Wooden Peg Creature is ready.



TOP TIP – Young children with emerging scissor skills might enjoy working with pre-cut shapes or paper eye stickers instead of joggle eyes.



So, hands up who’s ready for hands-on summer craft? Enjoy these 7 handmade summer craft activities and if you’d like to download the step-by-step activity pack pdf, click here.

Happy crafting over summer and make sure to share your crafty summer awesomeness with us @modernteaching.


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The hot dozen resources you’ll want for your centre in 2024

Child playing in bedroom

At MTA, we love listening to you and understanding what you care about in your early learning centre. We know you’re juggling a LOT of things – budgets, funding, resourcing, staffing and caring for those little growing minds. Our team has curated a fresh dozen resources for all budgets and needs we think you’ll love in 2024. Most importantly, these resources hit the big trends right now: 

  • Creative play – open-ended play, role play and creative expression are crucial elements of early childhood learning. Play provides children with opportunities to improvise, imagine, connect, explore, enquire and make discoveries.
  • Sensory play – resources that support babies, toddlers and preschoolers to process information through touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing encourage children to learn, develop and grow whilst they’re having fun. 
  • Cultural learning – understanding our world and accepting different cultures is an important skill for any child. These resources allow children to understand their local communities, as well as the larger world through creativity and play. 
  • Motor skill development – Construction resources, puzzles and games are a great way to promote fine and gross motor skills, as well as cognitive skills, such as problem-solving and logical thinking.  



1. Dot Art Markers 

Child with dot maker paints


These are a no-mess, water-based, non-toxic paint-style marker that are fun and easy to use and are a 2024 must-have for your art trolley! MTA’s Dot Art Markers promote early childhood development and layered learning. Expressive art skills, planning, hand-eye coordination and colour recognition can be enhanced using these markers. Gentle dabbing creates dazzling dot patterns while brushing produces a painted look. Children can mix, layer and blend their paint colours while the ink is wet to create a unique mess-free masterpiece. Just as importantly, these bottles are easy to use with a twist-off cap and splash-free, no-spill bottle.  

Why you’ll love: All you have to do is dot, dot, dot to create art!  


Featured Product:

Dot Art Markers



2. Baby Path Activity Kit

Child playing with Wooden sensory toy


This brilliant Baby Path Activity Kit lets you create an exciting activity centre (or attach panels to the wall) which guides the youngest learners through sights, sounds and tactile sensory exploration. There is endless fun and discovery to be had. With the Colours panel, toddlers learn about early numeracy with size and colour. The colour bars can be turned 360º which adds movement to exploration, providing both a kinetic and a visual challenge. With the Guitar panel, the world’s smallest musicians can produce pleasant sounds using strings of different lengths. The Tinkle panel allows the bars of different lengths to chime and create brilliant sounds. (Suits children aged 12+ months.) 

Why you’ll love: It keeps curious minds engaged  


Featured Product:

Baby Path Activity Kit



3. Indigenous Board Book Pack

Children's books

A must-have resource to support cultural learning and early literacy is this gorgeous Indigenous Board Book Pack. This collection of beautifully illustrated board books strengthens cultural perspectives and helps to foster a sense of belonging for all children. The board books in this pack include six titles: My Country; I Love Me; My Body; What Do You Call a Baby…? ;Tjitji Lullaby; Animals in My Garden 

Why you’ll love: Fosters a strong sense of belonging and cultural perspectives 


Featured Product:

Indigenous Board Book Pack



4. Polydron Giant Octoplay

Children playing with construction game in garden

This construction set from Polydron represents giant fun. It’s excellent for large-scale constructions, as each of the 40 giant plastic octagons slot together. Watch children build large constructions quickly and easily with these natural-toned giant octagons. Polydron’s timeless products have earned the respect of educators and children around the world for over 30 years and are the foremost supplier of geometric construction shapes to schools and early childhood education centres. (Suits children aged 2+ years).  

Why you’ll love: Lets children design, construct and problem-solve in a beautifully expressive way 


Featured Product:

Giant Octoplay Construction Set



5.Teachables Rainbow Squares Sensory Pads  

Child holding sensory squares


The rainbow has never felt so in reach before! Rainbow Squares Sensory Pads are a fun, sensory resource that can be used on light boxes, or as a calming fidget tool. Children press on the squares and watch the coloured oil move through the coloured liquid squares for mesmerising exploration. These squishy, captivating sensory pads are a wonderful way to support children’s creativity and open-ended play. (Suits children aged 3+ years.)  

Why you’ll love: Supports sensory learning, calming and creativity  


Featured Product:

Rainbow Squares Sensory Pads




6.Giant Emotions Fishing Game 

Children playing with magnetic fishing game in garden


Happy? Sad? Angry? Worried? Encourage conversations and the exploration of emotions with this Giant Emotions Fishing Game. Children hook the discs with their fishing rods and identify the emotion they have picked. Engaging in collaborative play with the Giant Emotions Fishing Game will provide opportunities for children to build on their motor skills and hand-eye coordination while developing critical social skills including empathy. A variety of skin tones in the Giant Emotions Fishing game authentically communicates the values of equality and inclusion authentically in children’s play.  

Why you’ll love: Encourages exploration of emotions 


Featured Product:

Giant Emotions Fishing Game



7.Sorting Bowls & Tweezers Set  

Sorting bowls and tweezers


Perfect for hand-eye coordination and sorting skills while improving hand strength, the Sorting Bowls & Tweezers Set consists of six colourful bowls and matching tweezers. The tweezers help develop pincer grasp as well as fine motor skills needed for daily living. By working on grasping, picking up and releasing with the tweezers, children are developing hand-eye coordination. As a result, children become more proficient with tasks like handwriting, drawing and forming numbers. Time to get sorting! (Suits children aged 3+ years.).  

Why you’ll love: Lets children sort, classify and work on hand-eye coordination the fun way 


Featured Product:

Sorting Bowls & Tweezers Set



8.Percussion Set 

Percussion Musical Set in basket

Say hello to a musical must-have. This assortment of percussion instruments will help children make sweet, sweet music. It includes a tambourine, a wood shaker, a jingle stick, a pair of wooden maracas, wrist bells, an egg shaker, a pair of claves, a triangle with striker and a pair of cymbals. It has everything you need to inspire wonderful musical expression, including an educator-friendly plastic carry back with back straps for hands free portability and easy storage. When children play music, it creates a time for the child to be heard, be creative, be part of a group, show listening skills, patience and most of all fun. (Suits children aged 3+ years.)  

Why you’ll love: Helps children make music come to life easily 


Featured Product:

 Percussion Set



9.Teachables Light Box  

Light box with colourful seashells


A light box is a must-have for any early learning centre and makes the perfect backdrop for exploratory sensory play. This light box is the perfect size to allow little hands to try different items on the surface and create shapes and amazing light shows. The clever design is not only compact and light, but it also has an outer raised edge to support messy play. It includes a USB adaptor and can be used with mains power or with a power bank.  

Why you’ll love: Allows exploratory sensory play to come to life 


Featured Product:

Light Box



10.Rainbow Bricks  

Rainbow blocks


Watch children develop their fine motor skills as they build colourful designs with these Rainbow Wooden Bricks, designed to capture their imagination. Crafted from sustainably sourced rubberwood with a kaleidoscope of colourful transparent acrylic inserts, these blocks offer so many creative possibilities. The natural warmth and tactile appeal of the wood provides a sensory experience that stimulates young minds. With their perfect size and weight, these blocks are easy for tiny hands to grasp. The inserts encourage visual perception and introduce early concepts such as colour recognition and pattern matching. They’re also wonderful to use on a light box. (Suits children aged 12 + months.)  

Why you’ll love: Visually stunning rainbow bricks captivate little learners 


Featured Product:

Rainbow Wooden Bricks



11.Stockholm Spaces Play Kitchen 

Children playing with wooden kitchen


Built to inspire endless kitchen role play, MTA’s Stockholm Spaces Combination Play Kitchen includes a cooktop, oven, sink, fridge, microwave, cupboard and benchtop spaces all in one handy unit. It features turning knobs and realistic designs to inspire delicious imaginative role play. The Stockholm Spaces range is practical with an innovative design, made from birch plywood and lacquered for easy cleaning. Many furniture pieces in this range are made from sustainable Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) timbers. This results in an environmentally friendly and sustainable furniture choice for your centre and the environment.  

Why you’ll love: This beautifully designed play kitchen inspires endless role play 


Featured Product:

MTA’s Stockholm Spaces Combination Play Kitchen



12.Authentic Aboriginal Animal Fun with Dress Up Capes & Puzzles 

Children playing with dress-up capes


This set of five colourful animal dress-up capes features stunning Aboriginal artworks from award-winning artist, illustrator and proud Dharug woman, Leanne Watson Redpath. So, if you’re ready for little kangaroos, magpies, emus, crocodiles and cockatoos to play, imagine and interact in your centre, this set is for you. (Suits children aged 3+ years).

Australian wooden puzzles Leanne Watson Redpath has also designed this Aboriginal Animal Peg Puzzle Kit with two gorgeous peg puzzles with Australian animals. (Suits children aged 2+ years.).  

Why you’ll love: Lets children engage with authentic First Nations art  


Featured Products:

Dress-up Capes

Aboriginal Animal Peg Puzzle Kit



To find out more about these resources, or other MTA resources, talk to an MTA Rep or take a look online. Do you still have funding? Maybe these resources could fall within your centre budget. Here’s to a beautiful 2024 in your early learning centre. 


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