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How To Incorporate Natural Resources Into The Classroom – Part 1

Letters of the alphabet written with permanent marker onto circular branch cuts

For children to gain an appreciation of the natural world, they must engage with nature regularly. Spending time in the outdoors has so many benefits for children and they should be given the opportunity for outdoor learning everyday. Engaging with nature doesn’t always have to be strictly reserved for when children are outside. Continue reading “How To Incorporate Natural Resources Into The Classroom – Part 1”

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10 Hands-on Numeracy Ideas For Children

Numeracy Number Sort Tray

As a teacher of young children, I am aware of the huge benefits of students engaging in hands-on learning. In the early years, it is essential for children to have opportunities to engage in kinaesthetic learning where they can absorb themselves in activities and gain a comprehensive understanding of concepts. When teachers facilitate hands-on, kinaesthetic activities, they are creating engaging and exciting ways for children to master concepts and develop deeper understandings. Read on to find out 10 of my favourite hands-on numeracy ideas that I implement in my Prep classroom.   Continue reading “10 Hands-on Numeracy Ideas For Children”

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How Do You Store Your LEGO®?

lego storage ev3 shelves open

LEGO® storage is important. Done badly and you will spend your days finding LEGO elements in the strangest places, dealing with frustrated kids telling you for the third time that they can’t find the grey thingumy-jig and dreading the day your admins ask you to update the school’s asset register.  Done correctly and your students will quickly find the elements they need, allowing them to stay focused and concentrate on addressing the challenges at hand.

Continue reading “How Do You Store Your LEGO®?”